so much beauty found
in a purple vase resting
on a blue table
Blue Hydrangea
grand blooms purple blue
cobalt vase cradles their grace
bold in quiet space
Wallpaper Print
missing from this scene
old motel wallpaper print
diamonds and ruled lines
Where Memory Landed
light’s silent embrace
a time-suspended moment
etched in memory
tulip symphony
like a curtsy in the vase
petals bend and bow
A Final Farewell
blooms fading softly
last gift from a heart now still
vase cradling my tears
Pleased To Meet You
springtime bouquet with,
‘pleased to meet you’ sunflowers
life’s joys in a vase
Twelve Plus Two
two tender tulips
hidden in bouquet of twelve
touchy feely buds
Just Because
looking through the lens
lovely young camellias
just because of you