golden sun sinking
painting blooms of amber light
through swaying marsh reeds
October Sundown
october sundown
paints the sky in harvest hues
grasses bow to dusk
Black Needle Rush
sweeping, swaying, still
crow calls, breaking the silence
rest, black needle rush
Big Sky
watching drifting clouds
swimming in a deep blue sea
sparrows dance on high
in murky marshlands
gators grin, birds take their stand
hello, mud and land
Low Tide
where the tide is low
on a lovely winter’s day
a sense of peace reigns
resilience unveiled
stumbling blocks to building blocks
seek strength, alter course
Crossing Beginning
end of a chapter
fresh ink flows, new ideas
crossing beginning
Palm Tree Vista
gentle swaying fronds
rustling secrets of the breeze
palm’s eye on the world
Everglades Evening
against a brilliant
sunset in the everglades
a blue heron rests
Sundown’s Beautiful Light
the color of your
love, like sundown’s beautiful
light, sunshine and bliss
Fire In The Sky
soft wings and wild things
pause in silent wonder at
the sky’s stunning fire
One Among None
one great egret stands
among a crowd of wee birds
peering marsh water
Early Morning Blue
early morning blue
sky’s wispy breaths of fresh air
lingers on the pond
Calm Before The Storm
calm before the storm
along the marsh and tall grass
stillness has no name
Bronze Sunset
bronze sunset begins
water ripples grow and fade
wings silently sleep
Swaying Seas Of Grass
the katydids’ sing
among swaying seas of grass
as i walk their path