so much beauty found
in a purple vase resting
on a blue table
What Darwin Saw
darwin’s gaze unfolds
scales and wings in morning light
galápagos dawn
Bird on an Island
lonely bird afloat
drifts on a frozen island
ice melts, time moves on
Geometry of Film Fragments
fragments of the past
sliced and shaped in harmony
film’s geometry
Golden Hour on the Marsh
golden sun sinking
painting blooms of amber light
through swaying marsh reeds
Shoreline Reflections
twenty, twenty-five
waves embrace the sandy shore
a fresh start unfolds
Holiday Cheer 2024
tis the season for
peace on earth, goodwill to all
children’s hearts aglow
Glowing Radiance
radiance unfolds
glowing with natural grace
soft petals at rest
Bubbles In Time
delicate bubbles
rising through a world of time
childhood slips away
Dyrhólaey Lighthouse
doorway to the sea
dyrhólaey light aglow
iceland’s southern guide
Farm Field Redland Florida
warm, welcoming dusk
gators lurk in quiet depths
fields where life begins
Passing Through Ship Rock, New Mexico
lava desert glows
navajo’s winged monolith
twilight’s ship rock sails
Shadow Of Faith

withered by the sun
hiding under thatched rooftop
a shadow of faith
Mercury Classic
chrome and orange gleam
classic curves, timeless design
beauty never fades
October Sundown
october sundown
paints the sky in harvest hues
grasses bow to dusk
Imperial Hotel
over on main street
where the neon sign burned out
crumbling walls linger
Autumn Glow On The Marsh
sleepy autumn winds
push and pull the marsh grasses
weaving golden threads
The Gathering
unmatched chairs await
friendly hands upon table
in forest’s embrace
Black Needle Rush
sweeping, swaying, still
crow calls, breaking the silence
rest, black needle rush
Painted Shell
on a polished shell
lingers fading memories
of a snail’s journey
Old Tobacco Barn
the soft summer wind
circling the tobacco barns
deepens the sunset
imagine the world
seen through a butterfly’s eye
beauty magnified
Along Route 40, Reykjavik
new tongue-twister
Kringlumyrarbraut, a street
north of Florida
White-Marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar
orange, white, and black
fluff wiggles by, dances light
moth ahead in flight
Night Watch
cat at the door waits
mysteries of night unfold
silent sentinel
Blue Hydrangea
grand blooms purple blue
cobalt vase cradles their grace
bold in quiet space
chimes gently swaying
ringing blue tones in the breeze
echoing off trees
Wallpaper Print
missing from this scene
old motel wallpaper print
diamonds and ruled lines
A Hero’s Rest
beacon of courage
sacrifices made, lives saved
weathered chrome still shines
Timeworn And Terrifying
bars rust in silence
boarded windows trap the light
timeworn, still haunting
It’s The Duck
inflatable duck
peeks out with a friendly “hi”
ocean city stroll
Oyster Boats
as sunset arrives
oyster boats return to dock
rocking in the bay
St. George Island Bridge
soaring high above
a geometric marvel
man-made artistry
The Painted Landscape
the vibrant colors
seem to mock the emptiness
of painted landscapes
Custard Castle
neon signs buzzing
ice cream cones, italian ice,
soft salty pretzels
Cecil Farmhouse
near a bustling pike
under a veil of neglect
a farmhouse survives

being the silence
being the graceful movement
bodhi is the cat
Life Is A Miracle

the beauty of growth
resilience of renewal
life’s a miracle
Big Sky
watching drifting clouds
swimming in a deep blue sea
sparrows dance on high
Nature’s Restoration
what journeys before
swallowed by the woods, and its
body cloaked in rust
Timeless Treasures
pinhole photo day
twenty-four minutes, light in
timeless treasures kept
Suwannee River
to the gulf of mexico
made famous in song
Small Details
in the small details
beauty surrounds us if we
look instead of rush
In Galapagos
each dawn a new birth
each sunset a masterpiece
in galapagos
Empty Mansion
storm clouds gathering
weathered facade bears witness
to a slant of light
Giant Amongst The Palms
rousing baby buds
branches, ten spring flowers each
giant amongst palms
Pine Forest Pond
the lily pad pond
a sanctuary of peace
shades of green and gold
Woodland Wanderings
on a country road
fog drifts, stretching out its arms
soothing pine voices
Adult Day Care
in vacation land
adult day care is open
at high five dive bar
in murky marshlands
gators grin, birds take their stand
hello, mud and land
Low Tide
where the tide is low
on a lovely winter’s day
a sense of peace reigns
The Hunt
things my cat taught me:
it’s all about the getting,
and not the having
resilience unveiled
stumbling blocks to building blocks
seek strength, alter course
it is the smallest
most vibrant moments that leave
lasting impressions
Cabin In The Woods
on a moonlit night
under a moss-covered roof
secret lovers meet
Mind Of Winter
a mind of winter
frozen thoughts in silence lie
the sound of stillness
Dusk Falls Upon The Dunes
white sands shimmering
as dusk falls upon the dunes,
soon, the stars will shine
Crossing Beginning
end of a chapter
fresh ink flows, new ideas
crossing beginning
Two Roses
two roses in bloom
year’s end on the calendar
new beginnings loom
Holiday Barn
‘tween tattered timbers
a celebration of love
may peace be with you
War’s Final Sunset
hope in hearts, we mend
peace blooms, wounds begin to mend
war’s final sunset
Oh Daffodil
i put your flower
blossoming with grace and time
in my loving heart
Simple And Pure
designing basics
circle, square, the triangle’s lure
shapes simple and pure
Autumn Offering
autumn’s brush in hand
leaves transform from green to gold
nature’s art unfolds
Banking On Nostalgia
cashier’s cottage
drive-thru banking parks the car
retired piggy bank
pregnant rosie dines
nature’s secret in her eyes
life’s cycle unwinds
gnarly cottonwoods
branches stretch to leaves in white
monochrome delight
House On Jefferson & Pearl
a house rich in tales
built in 1831
creaky porch and chairs
One-Room Schoolhouse 1907
swaying moss-draped trees
the distant cries of seagulls
one-room schoolhouse stands
Shade Barn
weathered wooden planks
monument to days of old
a slow memory
Sunnyside Down
the sun descending
casting shadows long and vast
on sunnyside’s past
Picnic Shade
the pines lullaby
soft and low, a picnic shade
bathed in sunset’s glow
Where Memory Landed
light’s silent embrace
a time-suspended moment
etched in memory
Gulf Station
from the golden age
of automobiles long gone
deep blue and orange
Mariner’s Fill Station
the breeze tastes of salt
relics are its rusted pumps
the mariner’s fill
Rock To Sand
smoother over time
the sandpaper of the sea
washes over thee
Beautiful Blue
sunlight on feathers
blue heron gleams like a gem
dazzling shades and hues
Mama Was A Beauty Queen
an old photograph
of mama as beauty queen
good genes, pretty eyes
Visually Impaired
shapes twist in my gaze
bending lines in a strange maze
looking up sideways
Irises Abloom
whispers in the wind
spring green with shades of purple
nature’s art unveiled
Roadside Treasure
roadside tables wait
sea’s melody fills the air
forgotten coast calls
Loblolly Pine
stark contrasts combine
lone pine in dune’s sunlit sands
shadows weave the lines
Topless In Town
roofless hut finds grace
apalachicola town
palm trees and sunshine
Twilight’s Embrace
in purple-pink hues
sunset’s brush of brilliance glows
embracing twilight
Lone Pine
by the water’s edge
a stroke of loneliness hits
a small pine drowning
Psychedelic Guitar
psychedelic tones
fingers dance across the frets
1960s rock
Wheels Of Freedom
wainwrights shaped the past
a war for independence
freedom drove wood wheels
Church Of The Mediator
meeting place for grace
an inclusive sacred space
love in uppercase
The Town That Time Forgot
weathered barn stands tall
coca-cola sign, a charm
modern days of past
Roosters For Sale
feathers bright and bold
roosters for sale, stories told
Rusty Rocket
his name was rusty
orphaned by a hurricane
sad boy deeply loved
Bowl Of Apples
crimson orbs of life
nestled in a bowl’s embrace
nature’s sweet delight
Amelia Island
morning mist hovers
clouds dusted with pastel hues
oh sweet amelia
Southern Gothic II

whispering oak trees
shadows dance ‘neath worn porch boards
southern secrets sleep
Morning Has Broken
golden rays ignite
painting brilliance to my eyes
morning has broken
On Taylor Road
sharecropper cabin
time’s touch etched on every plank
whispers of the past
Gently Guide
lotus petals bloom
buddha’s teachings gently guide
peace flows from within
Curly Goose Feathers
like gentle corkscrews
with playful swirls, twists, and turns
goose feathers with curls
Confessions Of A Thrill Seeker
fear and bliss entwined
an adrenaline junkie
living on the edge
Postcard Pretty
solitary boat
resting ‘neath the fiery sky
embracing twilight
Palm Tree Vista
gentle swaying fronds
rustling secrets of the breeze
palm’s eye on the world
In A Dream
in a dream, i heard
victrola and mandolin
amidst forest green
Life In Full Bloom
petals unfurling
watching life’s steps, unpacking
birth, midlife, and death
Tire Chick
tire chick’s proud workplace
painted old tires stacked in place
sun hat, tweety face
Feet In The Sand
waves crashing the shore
dunes rise and fall with the wind
sand hiding my feet
Love Song
two birds make a tribe
their love song echos through trees
future in the nest
Nautilus #2
from the ocean’s depth
to the photographer’s hands
deep sea treasure found
Empty Storefront
paths left behind fade
silent phones and empty chairs
new roads to be paved
The Cradle & The Crib
nested in a tree
mama bird feeds hungry beaks
love in every tweet
Pretty In Pink
i’m pretty in pink
adorning my face with grace
big nose kitchen sink
Empty Picnic Table
a beach ball memoir
hot dogs, potato salad
flip flops in the sand
Paradise Found
sun rays streaming through
creating paradise found
peaceful profound bliss
A Long Pause
as thoughts drift away
a long pause hangs in the air
gazing at the sea
Sending Love
love blooms like roses
petals soft as whispered words
eternal beauty
Slope Of Life
life is like a slope
full of twists, turns, ups, and downs
days filled with process
The First Mystery
which came first they ask
chicken or egg, a debate
nature’s mystery
tulip symphony
like a curtsy in the vase
petals bend and bow
The Snow Moon
the snow moon arrives
at february’s last stand
say hello to spring
Just A Puddle
lily pads in bloom
sky and trees amongst the grass
shimmering and blue
A Final Farewell
blooms fading softly
last gift from a heart now still
vase cradling my tears
Fluffy Friend
bushy tail, wide eyes
friendly squirrel stops, says hi
nature’s acrobat
Mailbox Memories
in the good old days
phone cords not long enough and
mailbox greeting cards
Gulf Breeze
the smell of salt air
as the wind blows through my hair
gulf breeze love affair
Sitting Big
a rock above trees
against a vast open sky
sits big staring back
All-Seeing Cowbird
tiny feet resting
on tree branch without a sound
all-seeing cowbird
Angel Of The Coast
built only to serve
not just stone, metal and glass
angel of the coast
Dutch Blue
a vase of flowers
in shades and tints of dutch blue
tea cups and saucers
The Lighthouse
turning of the light
night sky above, sun below
the lighthouse endures
The Colors Of Orchids
like a painter’s brush
delicate orchid petals
show off their colors
Batsto Lake
how quiet the pond
reflecting clouds and stillness
the scent of cedar
Everglades Evening
against a brilliant
sunset in the everglades
a blue heron rests
Sundown’s Beautiful Light
the color of your
love, like sundown’s beautiful
light, sunshine and bliss
Desert Town Hero
old water tower
humpty dumpty with a hat
desert town hero
Rooster & The Cup
in morning slumber
rooster guards my coffee cup
percolator clucks
Broken String
broken string, lonesome
another missing, not found
yearning harmony
End Of The Line
gone to history
hard drives, letters, memories
twenty-three sets sail
Happy New Year 2023
calm along the coast
greetings from north florida
happy new year all
Happy Holidays 2022
may mother earth heal
may animals not suffer
peace on earth for all
Heart To Heart
now is the season
for hearts to remember hearts
the colors of love
The Sound Of Feathers
a pair of herons
roosting in the wild thicket
the sound of feathers
Fire In The Sky
soft wings and wild things
pause in silent wonder at
the sky’s stunning fire
Swooping Intent
as the free bird flies
i dream of that gift to be
my superpower
County Road 59
along my journey
slash pines and palm trees reach out
in the morning fog
Silver Treasures
antique silverware
wrapped inside a baby’s bib
found when grandma died
the cloudy night sky
holds the soft glow of the moon
in graceful silence
One Among None
one great egret stands
among a crowd of wee birds
peering marsh water
Sunshine From The Stars
bright is the night sky
its light is my companion
sunshine from the stars
rays of flaming light
emerging from horizon
sundown seduction
Dark Forest Path
bright orange sunset
keeps me wandering along
the dark forest path
Silk & Cedar
she’s imagining
silk strings and dark warm cedar
conversing through song
Enchanting Moments
day surrenders night
and above a calming sea
the full moon shines bright
Old Trucks, Young Trees
those who have a why
can bear almost any how
goals lead us forward
The Halloween Tree
shadows walk the wall
falling leaves prowl the sunlight
the halloween tree
Encountering Grace
a magical path
hidden from a restless world
encountering grace
high above the ground
a window and feathered nest
facing sky and sea
Nature At Her Best
delicate beauty
the lilies of the valley
nourished by raindrops
House Cat
elegant agility
life as a house cat
Ocean Bay Watchtower
where ocean bay meets
alligators and egrets
dragonflies buzz by
Web Space
a scaffold building
spider orbits his web space
this autumn evening
Baby Sea Lions
wet whiskers and fins
communicating, let’s play
in galapagos
Flower Power
flowers in their hair
street theater spreading peace
all you need is love
Do Not Forget
true obedience
the ancient flag reminds us
past loss for peace now
Butterflies Are Free
fluttering around
delicate beauty and joy
butterflies are free
Rusty Trucks
sun on rusty trucks
silently recalling those
happy bygone days
Sopchoppy Florida
awakened by sound
from worm grunting festival
life as fishing bait
Restoration Play
downtown theatre
performs restoration play
true life center stage
Graceful Touchdown
how elegantly
the butterfly touches down
tiny feet on pink
Magical Moment
breathtaking sunset
with silhouetting palm trees
magical moment
Quiet Soul
hurricane debris
there you were, starving skinny
precious friend, miss you
Mating Season
by the sea, they land
tiny feet grabbing shore sand
mating season clan
Magic Of Light
seen by captive eyes
through lily pads and reeds
the magic of light
Unmerciful Sun
a slow walk across
an unmerciful desert
broken heart journey
Ballerina On Trapeze
dancing dragonfly
ballerina on trapeze
twirling the clothesline
Life As A Tulip
life as a tulip
bending, flowing, surviving
renaissance woman
Son, Moon & Stars
in my arms, you laid
your awesomeness consumed me
my son, moon, and stars
Gimme Shelter Please
beast of burden at
one hundred and six degrees
gimme shelter, please
Circling Around
circling around, i
eagle, tornado, or song
circling around me
Curly Fries
along the food line
bar-b-q and curly fries
in hot summer sun
Tiny House
if not woodpecker
tapping on old oak, no sound
at the tiny house
Sweet Greetings
morning walk enjoyed
with sweet greetings from graceful
baby deer and mom
Blue Hearts
your mind was elsewhere
as seen in your reflection
captured by my heart
Early Morning Blue
early morning blue
sky’s wispy breaths of fresh air
lingers on the pond
Taco Cat
look into my eyes
taco cat, spell it backward
look into my eyes
Meeting Of The Minds
meeting of the minds
two heads are better than one
or a lot of bull
Taffeta Dresses
taffeta dresses
satin shoes, hairdos up high
life as a princess
Sitting Next To You
sitting next to you
dark hair, tight jeans, cowboy boots
green truck memories
Beauty & Benefits
glorious driftwood
a once strong, handsome tree,
now new life springs from thee
Colored Light Abstract
colored light concert
dancing across the paper
abstract art in flight
Sunflower Yellow
sunflower yellow,
mandalas, saffron crayons
happy face fellows
Calm Before The Storm
calm before the storm
along the marsh and tall grass
stillness has no name
along the roadside
a tattered sign to nowhere
pointing to the moon
Little Finch
little finch watches
all day from the birdhouse roof
parking lot people
i loved you, no doubt
atoms of you charmed my heart
logic struck you out
flex, turn, tilt; color
moving at the speed of light
through my water glass
Heartbreak Hotel
rooms available
where you do not want to be
the heartbreak hotel
Princess Chicken
please do not stir fry
or serve sliced and diced with rice
Princess prefers life
A Lonesome City
drifting clouds descend
a quiet lonesome city
empty brick boxes
Time For Reflection
there comes a time for
realigning your journey
reflective moments
Pleased To Meet You
springtime bouquet with,
‘pleased to meet you’ sunflowers
life’s joys in a vase
Three Tomatoes
on lazy spring days
window light bathes the kitchen
three tomatoes bright
Twelve Plus Two
two tender tulips
hidden in bouquet of twelve
touchy feely buds
Singing The Blues
old oak died today
its pulse stopped as lightning struck
birds singing the blues
Wild Iris
its graceful presence
arrives in morning twilight
life as a flower
Meditative Cat
longer days of spring
sun rays, tall shadows, spellbound
meditative cat
Bronze Sunset
bronze sunset begins
water ripples grow and fade
wings silently sleep
Simpler Days
lens and pen artists
who’d grown to become mothers
simpler days held close
Sunlit Lily
glowing peacefully
sunlit hopefulness blossoms
life after the storm
Walking In The Rain
brightly lit Times Square
shiny sidewalks everywhere
rain, rain in the air
Roses Take A Chair
in cinder block studio
roses take a chair
New Life
a world of new life
dewdrops and caterpillars
looking for their home
Five Apples
apple sauce, butter, or pie
five apples waiting
give me winter shores
and a passionate lover
walking hand in hand
Leadfoot Lizzy
running up and down
and hiding from fat cat joe
leadfoot lizzy lulls
Drifting Iceberg
from glacial shore stance
watching a drifting iceberg
float past frozen toes
Great White Egret
the great white egret
primps his plume and pearl feathers
by the morningtide
Swaying Seas Of Grass
the katydids’ sing
among swaying seas of grass
as i walk their path
Sleeping Beauty
i can see beauty
in the sleeping butterfly
the lonely artist
Look-in & Gaze-in
look-in and gaze-in
a-wait-in for the next urge
‘tween must-have cat naps
Purple Coneflowers
you brought me flowers
rousing, passionate color
in my sleepy face
Mindful Escapee
staring out at sea
a man ponders, turns to flee
mindful escapee
Just Because
looking through the lens
lovely young camellias
just because of you
House On A Hill
in Colorado
on a steep sloping hill stands
a world of comfort
Peace Of Mind
the colors of faith
casting hints, tints, tones, and hues
on the believers
Winter Trees
looking up to view
towering trees with large heads
swaying against blue
Southern Gothic
echoes from geckos
revivals, southern bibles
overgrown tombstones
The Cat With White Goatee
staring back at me
a cat with a white goatee
tuna breath meow
Satellite Inn
high-speed internet
for wandering satellites
refuge from the road
like a sailing ship
on a vast and changing sea
so too is my life
Spiral Staircase
a spiral staircase
in a shell, in the cosmos
divine calculus
Looking Glass
mirror images
bouncing back with eagerness
mystery of self
Empty Porch Chair
the old windmill spins
as howling westwinds rush by
an empty porch chair
Wildflower Symphony
listening to lush
wildflower symphonies sing
the sound of crickets
Taking Flight
the marvelous view
soaring high, floating freely
freedom is a bird